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PrésentationRègelement sportifFormalités d'acquisitionExtrait de jaugeRègles de jauge


1. The sail shall be woven, soft, single-ply construction. The body of the sail and secondary reinforcements shall be of the same material throughout. Primary reinforcement, batten pocket patches, flutter patches and sail shape indicator stripes may be of different woven material.
2. The measurement points at head, clew and tack are as defined by the ISAF Equipment Rules of Sailing.
3. Window. There shall be a window or windows of total transparent area not more than 0.3m 3 . No part of a window shall be less than 150mm from any edge of the sail.
4. Reinforcement. Primary reinforcement shall be not more than 295mm from the tack, clew, head and cunningham positions. Secondary reinforcement is optional. One reefing eye is permitted within the area of the clew primary reinforcement but shall not provide a new datum for adding to the area of clew reinforcement.
5. Battens and Batten Pockets. There shall be 4 batten pockets and 4 battens.
(i) The total inside length of all batten pockets shall be not more than 2400mm.
(ii) Except at local widening for inserting battens the inside width of battens pocket shall not be more than 50mm.
(iii) No part of any batten pocket shall be less than 150mm from the luff.
(iv) The intersection of the centreline of the top batten pocket with the aft edge of the sail shall be not less than 1000mm from the headpoint. This is mandatory for all sails measured after 1 st March 1999.
(v) The batten pockets shall be constructed so that battens can be removed for sail measurement without cutting stitching.
6. Leech. The length of the leech measured from clew to head shall be not more than 5320mm. Adjustable leechlines are not allowed.
7. For sails first measured after 1 st March 1998, the top girth, measured at the leech 1250mm from the headpoint shall be not more than 960mm. The centre girth, measured at the leech 2500mm from the headpoint shall be not more than 1650mm. Any hollows in the leech shall be bridged. All sails shall comply after 1 st March 1999.
8. Headboard. A headboard shall be fitted.
(i) The height of the headboard, measured parallel to the luff, shall be not less than 95mm and not more than 158mm.
(ii) No part of the headboard shall be more than 130mm from the luff.
(iii) The Top Width shall be not more than 130mm.
(iv) No part of the leech shall be more than 5mm outside a straight line joining the Aft Head Point and the upper aft corner of the top batten pocket.
9. National letter(s) and sail number(s). The dimensions shall be:
(i) Height. Not less than 295mm.
(ii) Width. (Except for I and 1) Not less than 200mm.
(iii) Thickness. Not less than 40mm.
(iv) Spacing between characters on the same and opposite sides and between a character, the class ensignia and the edge of the sail. Not less than 60mm.
10. Class insignia. The class insignia shall be not less than 295mm in diameter. The colours shall be: Circle, blue; letter E, red; dinghy white. The insignia may be placed back to back provided no part of the insignia is translucent.
11. The class insignia shall be positioned above the line of the top (number 1) batten pocket extended to the luff. If not back to back the starboard side shall be uppermost. The national letters shall be placed, starboard side uppermost, below the line of the top batten pocket, extended to the luff and above the line of number 2 batten pocket extended to the luff. The sail number(s) shall be placed, starboard side uppermost, below the line of number 2 batten pocket extended to the luff, and above the line of number 3 batten pocket extended to the luff. Note 11 shall apply retrospectively to all sails from 31 December 1994.

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