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PrésentationRègelement sportifFormalités d'acquisitionExtrait de jaugeRègles de jauge



1. The profile of the rudder blade shall comply with the diagram. It shall be a fair curve. When positioned over a template of the maximum and minimum permitted profiles it shall concurrently be not greater than the maximum nor smaller than the minimum.
2. The datum lines for profile measurement are:
(i) for width; a straight edge placed against the trailing edge.
(ii) for length; a straight edge placed against the highest point of the blade and at right angles to the width datum line.
3. The trailing edge of the blade between the lower and upper limits of the top and bottom radii respectively, as shown on the diagram, shall be straight except that concavities of not more than 2.5mm, which in aggregate are not more than 100mm, are permitted. For measurement of width any such concavities in the profile shall be bridged. The overall profile shall be a fair curve.
4. The shape of the cross section is optional except that:
(i) below 85mm from the bottom edge the thickness shall be not more than 22mm.
(ii) above a line 85mm below the top of the centreboard the thickness shall be 20mm ± 2mm. It shall not vary by more than 1mm except that within 20mm of each edge the board may be shaped to a thickness of less than 18mm.
(iii) between the limits in (i) and (ii) the thickest part of the board in any section shall be 20mm ± 2mm.
If of hollow construction the thickness limits shall not be exceeded if sub or super atmospheric pressure is applied at the drain hole by blowing or sucking.
5. The centre of the pivot hole shall be not less than 70mm from the top of the blade.

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