A.F.E.Régates à venirLes EuropistesL'EuropeLes classementsLes plusInformations membres
PrésentationRègelement sportifFormalités d'acquisitionExtrait de jaugeRègles de jauge

1.1 The Europe is a one design class. The intention of these rules is to ensure that the boats are as alike as possible in all respects affecting performance. Everything that is not actually stated as permitted or optional shall be prohibited.
1.2 The official plans, measurement diagrams and measurement form shall be considered an integral part of these rules. In the event of any discrepancy between them the matter shall be referred to the ISAF.
1.3 Any interpretation of these rules shall be made by the ISAF which may consult the International Europe Class Union (IECU).
1.4 Boats shall be built to comply with these Class Rules, the official plans, measurement diagrams and measurement form.
1.5 Neither the ISAF nor the IECU accept any legal responsibility in respect of these rules, the plans, the measurement diagrams and/or the measurement form or any claim arising from them.
1.6 Except where Part 4 Class rules specify that variations may be declared in sailing instructions Class Rules shall not be amended by any race organisation without the specific approval of the ISAF and concurrence of the IECU in writing on each occasion.

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