
Association Française
des Tempest
Française de Voile
Club Nautique de
34th Tempest World
Championship 1999
Saint-Raphaël - France
Preliminary Schedule
Registrations and Measurements,
Friday 27, Saturday 28 August 1999
Pre-World : French Tempest
Master, Saturday 28 August at 13h00
and Sunday 29 August 1999 to
All boats in the water before
17h00 Sunday 29 August 1999
Welcome drink, Sunday 29 August
at 19h00
Monday 30 Skipper meeting at
10h00, Warning signal at 12h00 for the first race
Skipper meeting 2 hour after the
end of the last race of the day.
Tuesday 31th August to Friday
3th September (According to notice board),
Wednesday 01 September, Official
Dinner at 20h00,
Saturday 04 September 1999 -
Reserve Day

For larger pictures click on it above. (photos
by Boat Pictures - St Tropez - © I.T.A.)
C.N.S.R - Bd.
Général De Gaulle - 83700 Saint -Raphaël Tél:+33(0)4 9495
1166 - Fax:+33(0)4 9483 9579
ITAF : Président :
Patrice Rouanet , Le Cèdre, Parc Saint Jacques, F - 83700 Saint
Raphaël . Tél./Fax : 33 (0)4 94 95 83 95
Secrétaire : François Martin , 42 avenue
de Meaux , F - 77000 Melun - Tél. : 33 (0)1 64 09 36 06 - Fax :
33 (0)1 64 10 45 71
ITA : Président :
Georges Stalder , Spalentorweg 16 , CH - 4051 Basel - Tél. : 41
(0)6 12 61 21 72 - Fax : 41 (0)6 12 61 90 01
Secrétaire : Verena Brändlï , Im Rüteli
5 , CH - 5405 Baden-Dättwil - Tél. : 41 (0)5 64 93 16 49 - Fax
: 41 (0)5 64 84 50 88