The Arun Yacht Club Littlehampton
Invites Tempests and Flying Dutchman
to join them for Tempest Southern Area
Championships and the Flying Dutchman
Early spring Regatta
1 - 2 - 3 MAY 1999
Résultats - Results
An open regatta will be held at the Arun Yacht Club, over the weekend of 1st to 3rd of May 1999.  It will be for International Tempest keelboats and International Flying Dutchman class dinghies.  Five races will be scheduled over the three days, sailed on a Tempest style Olympic course about 1 nautical mile south of the Harbour entrance.  Because of the nature of the Harbour entrance, it may take up to 1 hour to get to the course area after launching.  If the wind is light, boats will be towed out to the seaward side of the Harbour entrance, against the incoming tide and then towed in against the ebb at the end of sailing for the day.
                        REGISTRATION will be from 7.30 hrs to 10.00 hrs
                                        FIRST RACE            11.15 hrs
                                        SECOND RACE       As soon as possible after the completion of the First Race (Back to Back)
                                                                           Barbecue 19.30 hrs
                        THIRD RACE             11.45 hrs
                                        FOURTH RACE          As soon as possible after the completion of the Third Race (Back to Back).
                                        EVENING                   Bangers n Mash Supper                                                                19-30hrs.
                       FIFTH RACE               12-30hrs
                                      PRIZE GIVING             16-00hrs
The ISFA Racing Rules of sailing 1997 - 2000
This Notice of Race
The Sailing Instructions
The International Tempest Class Rules
The International Flying Dutchman Class Rules
All entries should have valid measurement certificates, and valid 3rd party insurance cover to a value of £1,000,000.
The Regatta will be classified as a Category B Regatta in accordance with ISAF RRoS, Appendix G Rule G4.  This shall apply from 07.30 hrs on 1st May until 16.00 hrs on 3rd May 1999.
The Sailing Instructions will be available at the registration desk on the 1st May.
The Entry Fee for the Regatta will be:
                                                    £40.00 per boat for Tempests
                                                    £30.00 per boat for FD's
The Entry Fees include:
                                        Harbour Dues
                                        Mooring Fees for Tempests.
                                        2 x Barbecue tickets
                                        2 x Bangers and Mash Tickets
General information about accommodation, and information about Tempest matters contact Derek Budden on 01903 - 240561 or e-mail
For information on Flying Dutchman matters contact John Best on 01489 895582
Fax: 01489 891340  Mobile 0370 778248 e-mail
Arrive reasonably early on Saturday please, it can take the best part of an hour to get to the start area, it will be worth it though!
Local accommodation will be available.
Please fill in the enclosed entry form and bring it with you, it will save time at registration.
No sail limitation rule will apply for Int Flying Dutchman class dinghies.
From 11/2 hrs before until 4 hrs after high water a strong westerly stream runs across the Harbour Entrance whick may set the unwary on to the West Pier.  The Easterly stream begins 11/2 hrs before low water and continues until two hours before high water.  These flows are in evidence a little earlier as the shore is closed from seaward.
The actual height of tide can be read from one of the tide guages.  These are sited at West Pierhead, Lighthouse steps, Town Quay, Footbridge and opposite the Marina.
Tide gauges are metric, marked in blocks of 20 cm, coloured white, red, black, red, white.
When leaving the Harbour the gauge at the end of the East pier can be consulted to calculate the depth of water over the bar.
The level of the Littlehampton Bar, which extends 600 metres Southwards from the end of the West Pier is 0.9 metres above chart datum, so the depth of water over the bar can be found by subtractin 0.9 metres from the height of the tide.
On closing the Harbour from seaward, provided there is sufficient water over the bar, safe approach can be made by bringing the leading lights into line on a bearing of 349 deg Mag.
The Yach Club management will provide advice as to when the bar is safe to cross, the tide times for the Regatta period are as follows:
                        SATURDAY 1st MAY 1999            1257 hrs BST
                                                                            5.0 metres 90% spring tide
                        SUNDAY 2 nd May 1999                1325 hrs BST
                                                                             5.0 metres 90% spring tide
                        MONDAY 3 rd May 1999                1353 hrs BST
                                                                             4.9 metres 88% spring tide
As the boats leave the Harbour for an 11.15 hrs start, they will cross the bar at approximately 1030hrs, there will be 3.0 metres above chart datum.